
Why you need to automate your website

As your business on the web grows, you won’t have any more free time. Changes on your website will become time-really time-consuming and stressful to maintain. You can begin automating your website to make life much easier.


When you are automating a website, you can negate tedious tasks such as updating the site’s content manually. If you can get your digital marketing right, you can send follow-up emails, send out mailing lists, manage sales, do invoicing, track users visits and more to all your potential prospects and clients.


Different types of automated websites typically include the prepackaged or made to order websites. Automated websites can range in complexity from simply using server side includes to full database driven sites. Server side includes are little snippets of code that allow content from one file to show on many pages. A database-driven site, on the other hand, pulls content from an online database.


Website information stored in an online database can be quickly and seamlessly inserted into many different types of templates. This becomes a huge time saver when you need to make a universal change to a web site. Depending on the system, the change can be made as a snippet of code or input directly into the database. Once entered, the regenerated site will carry the changes throughout the pages. In contrast, a non-automated site would require you to make changes to each individual page, a time wasting task. Let’s look at any example.

Assume you have a database driven, automated site. After testing the site, you discover the font appears very small in certain common monitor settings. Making an executive decision, you decide to change it throughout the site. With a manual system, you must pull up each page file for the site and change the HTML. If your site has 100 pages, you better break out the coffee! If your site is automated, however, you can simply address the font change in the database ONE TIME and generate the changes on all the pages. We are talking about saving days of your time.

If you are creating a site, make sure you use an automated platform. Don’t waste days of your life making manual changes.

We can help you integrate these features on your website. Feel free to contact us to see how we can help you with the following:

  • Kick start your business with an e-commerce platform.
  • Logo branding and graphic designs.
  • Responsive websites to display on all devices
  • Easy set up and manage your own online store.
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