Entries by Klogicnet

Why You Need A Website

Quick Summary: Are you wondering why you need a website? A website is the backbone of any business, no matter whether you sell products and services online or offline. We have answered so many crucial questions in this article and reading them will help you decide if you really need a website for your business […]

Is your website responsive?

  It goes without saying that mobile usage has increased significantly over the years. Is your website mobile-responsive? A mobile-responsive website is a website that ‘responds’ to the width of your device’s screen, whether that is a desktop, tablet or mobile. The fonts and layouts would automatically change depending on the width to display the […]

Why you need to automate your website

As your business on the web grows, you won’t have any more free time. Changes on your website will become time-really time-consuming and stressful to maintain. You can begin automating your website to make life much easier. HOW TO AUTOMATE YOUR WEBSITE When you are automating a website, you can negate tedious tasks such as […]

Building better web applications for business

Ask the Right Questions Early On Link When building a Web application, nothing is worse than surprises. Make sure you have all the facts before beginning. Of course, you cannot know what you don’t know. But the trick is to know the right questions to ask before building. Too often, we focus on the wrong types of […]